Simulating the source population

GWForge can simulate a wide range of binary source populations (at the moment). This page tells you how you can use them.

The first step in generating a source population is to determine the distribution of sources in luminosity distance \((D_L)\) (or equivalently redshift \((z))\) and the expected number of signals in the data. So, we will start by setting up the [Redshift] section.


For this, you need to specify:

  • Redshift distribution model

  • Local merger rate density in \((Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1})\)

  • Maximum redshift of the source

  • Cosmological parameters such as \(H_0,~O_{m0}, O_{de0}\) and \(T_{cmb0}\), assuming LambdaCDM cosmology

  • A reference start time when you switch on your detector.

The last is optional. If not provided, GWForge assumes Planck18 cosmology. $$ H_0 = 67.66~km/s/Mpc,~O_{m0} = 0.30966,~T_{cmb0} = 2.7255 K $$

Alternatively, you can select any of the cosmological realisations implemented in astropy.

If you choose to define a custom Universe, you can do so as follows:

redshift-model = MadauDickinson
redshift-parameters = {'gamma': 2.7, 'kappa': 5.6, 'z_peak': 1.9}
local-merger-rate-density = 22
maximum-redshift = 30
; custom cosmology
cosmology = custom 
H0 = 70
Om0 = 0.3
Ode0 = 0.7
Tcmb0 = 2.735
; analysis start time
gps-start-time = 1893024018

For reference, the Madau-Dickinson distribution function is: $$ p(z | \gamma, \kappa, z_\mathrm{peak}) \propto \frac{1}{1+z} \frac{dV_c}{dz} \psi(z | \gamma, \kappa, z_\mathrm{peak}) $$ where $$ \psi(z | \gamma, \kappa, z_\mathrm{peak}) \propto \frac{(1+z)^\gamma}{1+\big(\frac{1+z}{1+z_\mathrm{peak}}\big)^\kappa} M_\odot/\mathrm{year}/\mathrm{Mpc}^3 $$ and




Slope of the distribution at low redshift


Slope of the distribution at high redshift


Redshift at which the distribution peaks.


The maximum redshift allowed.

It is important to note that this describes the progenitor formation rate distribution. To obtain the compact binary merger rate distribution, GWForge convolves it with a time-delay distribution.

The reader can refer to the following for further details:


The above implementation assumes that all compact binary systems are formed by isolated binary evolution via the common-envelope phase. It also adopts a flat-in-log distribution for a time delay between binary formation and merger.


The [Mass] section helps define the mass distribution of the binary population. Similar to the [Redshift] section, a model name and a dictionary of parameters must be provided. For example:

mass-model = PowerLaw+Peak
mass-parameters = {'alpha':3.37, 'beta': 0.76, 'delta_m':5.23,  'mmin':4.89, 'mmax':88.81, 'lam':0.04, 'mpp': 33.60, 'sigpp':4.59}

The currently available mass distribution models and their parameters are:

List of mass distribution models

Model Name




alpha, beta, mmin, mmax, lam, mpp, sigpp, delta_m

Powerlaw + peak model for two-dimensional mass distribution with low mass smoothing.


alpha, beta, mmin, mmax, lam, lam_1, mpp_1, mpp_2, sigpp_1, sigp_2, delta_m

Powerlaw + two peak model for two-dimensional mass distribution with low mass smoothing.


alpha_1, alpha_2, beta, break_fraction, mmin, mmax, delta_m

Broken power law for two-dimensional mass distribution with low mass smoothing.


alpha, beta, delta_m, mmin, mmax, 88.81, lam, mpp, sigpp, minimum_secondary_mass, maximum_secondary_mass

PowerLaw + Peak for primary mass and uniform for secondary


mu_1, sigma_1, mu_2, sigma_2, breaking_fraction, mmin, mmax

Truncated Gaussian distribution for primary and secondary


mu, sigma

Log-normal distribution with mean mu and width sigma for primary and secondary


mmin, mmax, alpha_1, alpha_2, gamma_low, gamma_high, eta_low, eta_high, A, n

Extension of power law break model


alpha_1, mmin, mmax

Power law with bounds and alpha, spectral index for primary and secondary

The parameter names are heavily dependent on gwpopulation and bilby. Thus, it is essential to keep track of definition changes.

For more details, refer to the following publications:


GWForge overlooks special characters and converts everything to lower cases. So PowerLaw+Peak is equivalent to powerlawpeak.


The [Spin] section determines the spin distribution of the population. For example:

spin-model = Beta-Aligned
spin-parameters = {'minimum_primary_spin' : 0, 'maximum_primary_spin':  0.99, 'minimum_secondary_spin' : 0, 'maximum_secondary_spin' : 0.5, 'mu_chi' : 0.26, 'sigma_squared_chi' : 0.02}

defines a quasi-circular (non-precessing) binary population whose spin magnitude is sampled from a beta distribution.

Here is the list of currently available spin distribution

List of spin distribution models








minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin

Aligned spin distribution Bilby-style


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin

Aligned spin distribution Bilby-style


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin

Aligned component of spins are sampled from uniform distribution


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin, mu_chi, sigma_squared_chi

Bilby style aligned spin distribution Bilby-style with spin magnitudes obeying Beta distribution


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin,mu_chi_1, sigma_chi_1

Aligned component of primary is sampled from Truncated Gaussian and secondary from uniform


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin

Spin Magnitudes sampled from Uniform distribution + Isotropic distribution of spin angles


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin, mu_chi, sigma_squared_chi

Spin Magnitudes sampled from Beta distribution. Isotropic distribution of spin angles


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin, mu_chi, sigma_squared_chi, sigma_t

Spin magnitudes sampled from Beta distribution. Truncated Gaussian distribution for cosine tilt angles.


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin, mu_chi, sigma_squared_chi, sigma_t, xi_spin

Spin magnitudes sampled from Beta distribution. A fraction of the binaries have cosine tilt angles from Truncated Gaussian distribution and the rest from a uniform distribution between (-1,1)


minimum_primary_spin, minimum_secondary_spin, maximum_primary_spin, maximum_secondary_spin, mu_chi, sigma_squared_chi, sigma_t, xi_spin

Same as Isotropic-Beta_Gaussian_Uniform

For more details, refer to the following publications:


The [Extrinsic] section is designed to handle sky location and binary orientation parameters. You can specify a bilby prior file as input. By default, it assumes an isotropic distribution for sky location and orientation parameters and a uniform distribution for the polarization angle.

For example:


will use the second.


The [EOS] section accepts an eos-file from which it reads the mass and tidal parameters. By default it uses SLy EOS but you can specify as follows:

eos-file = /ligo/home/

provided it is consistent with how Rahul likes to define them.

Generating the population.

To generate the binary parameters for the population, execute the following:

gwforge_population --config-file bbh.ini --output-file bbh.h5

It should take at most a minute to generate the output file. By default gwforge_population assumes your source type is BBH. For other options, please check gwforge_population --help. Please note that the waveform approximant that you use for your waveform generation supports tidal parameters if the source-type is bns or nsbh.

By default a year gwforge_population generates a year worth of population. If you want some other value, please add the `duration` flag and add a value in seconds.
Example: `duration=4096`. Please note that the population generated should be greater than the number of signals injected.

A few more example configuration file exist here: ~/.conda/envs/gwforge-venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GWForge/population/. Feel free to modify and see what you get.

Naive way to check the population

You can check the binary parameters of the population by doing the following:

from GWForge.utils import cornerplot
cornerplot(file='bbh.h5', parameters=['mass_1_source', 'mass_2_source', 'spin_1z','spin_2z',  'redshift'], save='pop.png')

This will create a plot called pop.png in the current working directory with the parameters. The list of parameters can be found by doing h5ls -r bbh.h5. It list all the keys of an HDF5 file.